sâmbătă, 31 octombrie 2015

In Memoriam

Privindu-mi reflexia-n asupritoarea oglindă,
Contemplu soarele din ochi-mi plecând în tindă,
Şi-umplându-mi-se pupila de negre, grele timpuri,
Mi-aduc aminte dulce de vechile-anotimpuri.
Ondulatorii raze se sting şi iată focul:
În inima-mi senzații de moarte înnoptează
Şi-mi pipăi geana deasă, de geamătul tău stoarsă,
Unde-ale mele temeri şi nebunii valsează.
Elogiez trecutul, elogiez amurgul,
Elogiez în şoaptă draconica mea soartă,
Elogiez răstimpuri în care freamătă violent,
Un mesianic domn ce pare inocent.

vineri, 30 octombrie 2015

Sing Me Something (Elegy 3)

Time keeps passing by-
Through extinguished roses,
And the most classical symbols
Of living in a lost world,
Not even the heart can change something,
She remains silent...
She remains a puppet...
Erasing souls from my consciousness,
I assure you it bleeds
Even while taking a nap,
Cause there is nowhere I can run,
Nothing can save me.
After so many years of profound grief,
I'm as fragile as a dried leaf,
Everyone can hurt me,
Making me metamorphose in dust,
The yellow dust of a diseased soul.
I am all alone, and time didn't heal a memory
While I was into this horrible torment.
You know...I live for the pleasure of breathing,
I think it's the only thing that remains,
It never leaves you-
Your own breath.
The worst part in all of these
Is when you're numb,
But you're conscient of feeling everything,
Behind that odd cassock.
Oh, just leave it...I am gonna sleep now. Sing me something.

Poem Ploios

Astăzi plouă cu picături acide
Ce se scaldă lent pe sticlă
Picură de frică.
Astăzi picură ploaie
Si picături de sare
Devin lănțişoare
Pentru gâtul meu alb,
Stropi în larg, stropi de fag...
Astăzi picură torturator,
Iar eu, pierdută-n timp,
Mă scald în acest anotimp
De-alcool, de spirt,
De-asurzitor nămol.
Picură cu foc, picură nebun
Picură amor...
Picură terori,
Picură cu sori...
Zărind acest perfid spectacol
De jocuri si lumini
Cu greu mă mai abțin
Şi aruncându-mă-n oglinda aburită
Simt viața într-o clipă
Ştergându-se uşor,
Simt dor.


Ştii doar că sunt o optimistă.
Mă refugiez în palete,
În note muzicale,
În perdele,
În sori.
În non-culori,
În nebunie.
Numeşte-mă abstractă,
Sunt produsul Dumnezeului tău inexistent,
Trăiesc şi mor în paralel
Dar tot la fel de lent.

Poem For The Insecure Ones

The cold wind haunts me
He's slaughtering my soul
And marks it on the wall,
As my dirty body is sinful
Made of the bad and the dreadful.
Despite my acts, I swear I'm pure
Don't make me feel so insecure.
I cannot see the light through mist...
Oh, please, I beg, let me exist!
I'm struggling in so much,
But God has gave me such
Depriving life to wear.
Within last breath I dare
To not say a goodbye.
Though I still cry,
I will destroy the world.
I Will or I will not.

Our Cemetery

I'm sorry for our cemetery,
Into his heart are buried so many sorrows,
So many corpses becoming earth.
He never had a reason to exist,
His questions have never been answered,
He only sits and waits for tomorrow's funeral,
And I watch his final submission
To these non-sense human laws,
Though they are, after all,
Games of a tortuous mind.


I'm emotionally attached 
Only to my own existance,
Yes, into its teribble efemerity,
Yes, through time and space.
She's the only one who can
Save me from death's face,
I trust her integrally,
I trust her blind.
She's my hope, I am her mind,
I am her and she is me,
She breathes me, she breathes me...

Your Betrayal (Elegy 2)

Your betrayal had cosmic effects,
Into the other sphere of energy
My stars fall in letargy
And still you have no regrets?
Essence are they too...the stars
They ache and woe and are constient to their wreck,
you can hear their voices, through space guitars,
Crawling in the dark sky,
With their eyes forfeit and blank.
Such disarmony caused to the innocent one,
Distant from its memory, distant from its son,
Followed by a lurgy that can never be cured,
Neglected  in the mud, neglected in the black,
Led astray to the darkest chasm...
Lorn, lorn...
You deserted me naked into the cold snow,
Through horrendous spirits,
Through slam.
You treated me like a felonious being,
And I, virginal, sheer from any wicked force,
I love you so much that I let you thrust the poniard further into my chest,
Because my ribs will forget you
And when you'll die, you'll be eternally mine again.


Mi-e conştiința amorțită
Şi sufletul îmi e un geam,
Prin care trece amuțită
Tristețea rece, lent, cu gram.
Privesc în zare şi doresc
Înconjurul pădurii calm,
Dar negre spirite şoptesc
Că sufletul mi-e doar un geam.
Prefer să zbor, să mai tot cad,
Decât să cred pierdut în Iad.
Sunt ipocrit, sper că păream,
Că sufletul mi-e doar un geam.